Transform yourself with 10 very basic Selfcare Routines
In this hectic routine we tend to lose our self in some race that we don’t know where it is heading to, and where it is going to end. The worst part is we do not take care of ourselves and do make compromises on our health and time.
It is now very crucial to take time out for yourself and make some changes in to your daily routine to get yourself back on track. Its essential to maintain of your mental, physical and emotional health intact. Let see what are the simple changes that we can make to keep ourselves fit and healthy.
1. Early morning Meditation
Simple meditation can help big time in setting up the tone of your day.
Let’s do it!
- Spread your mat at a quiet spot where you can sit in peace. Outdoor is recommended where you can enjoy breeze and may hear some birds etc. but indoor will also do.
- Sit with your eyes closed. make yourself comfortable
- Just let go of any thoughts and focus on your inner self. Your breath to start with.
Just sit for 5 minutes and you may increase the time gradually.
2. Journaling:
Writing is the best way to clear your mind from unnecessary thoughts, keep yourself on track, set goals, achieve mile stones, appreciate yourself and after all ovoid toxic people.
Let’s do it!
At the end of the day before you go to sleep, make a habit to write down your day.
How did you start, who did you meet, what did you enjoy most? Where and why did you get offended? you need to write major stuff.
This exercise will help you determine yourself time to time. For example: if you open a page that you must have wrote a year back, same date of last year , you will immediately come to know where you were on that day, what did you feel and why, who did you enjoy most.
- You my use prompts like what am I happy about? My goals for nest year or month or a week
3. Walking specially with nature
Staying away from material world certainly helps to reduce stress and toxicity from of yourself. Walking in nature improves mood and boost overall wellbeing.
Let’s do it!
- Find place with trees and plants, a natural trail or a park near you.
- Start with small walks followed by spending time sitting quietly for about 10 -15 minutes.
- Enjoy the natural environment listen to the singing of birds sit quietly.
- Do not take your phones and other gadgets with you leave them all at home.
Do not even listen to music just be natural in the natural world it help trust me.
4. Hydrate
Staying healthy means staying Hydrate. If you feel healthy means you feel happy. Your mental and emotional health is intact. You are helpful to the surroundings, your friends and colleagues, your office environment. All matter how do you feel. Staying hydrate will boost your overall energy level and help you keep going.
Let’s do it!
- Keep a bottle of water with you
- Try to drink at least 10 glass of water every day.
- You may add a slice of lemon and cucumber to it.
5. Be Grateful / Practice Gratitude
Focus of things that you have and be grateful. Always be thankful to your friends and family for being there in your life. Genetically humans are the social animals. We need people around us for a healthy and happy life, we need friends to hangout with. We need relationship to live with. We need people to some fight and enjoy our moments with. We must be grateful of what we are blessed with.
Let’s do it!
- Write down things you are grateful for
- Understand why these are important for you
- Thankful to your family and friends
- Always keep less or no expectation from others.
6. Free yourself from Technology
We are heading to world of unlimited options and endless possibilities of inventions. Though all of these are meant for human’s comfort and peace but somewhere this all are the main cause of unrest and discomfort. Stay away from wild use of technology provide peace. Why by avoiding wild use of technology we comeback tour normal life style. For example: ovoid using jogging machines for daily walks will allow us to experience natural breeze , plants open air basically this is our natural habitat, this is where we grow as humans not machines.
Let’s do it!
- Set time to unplug your gadgets specially your cell phones. This exercise will bring huge difference in your stress reduction.
- Instead of using too much of technology specially your cell phones, try reading meditation, cycling, walking or even sit quietly in nearby parks for about 10- 20 minutes will help reduce stress
- Spending time with friends and family, talking to them will certainly help.
- If you can try n visit old houses where people live after retirement. Talking to them learn from their experiences will boost your confidence and help you realize the fact that you are blessed and you have time to make difference in your life for yourself and others too.
7. Do Exercise, Stretching or Yoga
Meditation and exertion through exercise helps to reduce the toxicity from your body and mind.
It improves the circulation of blood and bring balance and peace to your mind. Once mind in control rest of the body is easier to control then. Running, cycling, gym is essential in todays life style.
Let’s do it!
- Please take time out of your busy lifestyle.
- Search a decent place where you may walk or jog
- Find good gym to exercise every day.
- During your exercise routine try to make friends or look for a partner at park or gym who may partner you during this hour of exercise.
8. Listening Music, poetry or podcast
Music is another source of bring peace into your mind. While listening to music you enjoy it and this feeling gives you the charge and happiness that ultimately brings relaxation to your mind and body.
Let’s do it!
- Select appropriate gadget of music that you like
- Make play list of different style of music, cause its not necessary that you always look for the same song. Try to make multiple play list.
- Use low volume will enhance you mood and essential for your peace.
- Always give attention to what you are doing. When you are cooking make sure your cooking only likewise when you listen music just listen music don’t do anything.
9. Cooking
If you know cooking, I would suggest start cooking or if you don’t please learn. This brings one of the best feelings after you serve yourself or your family with healthy meal.
Let’s do it!
- Cooking at least a meal everyday will keep you busy add to your satisfaction after serving a great meal to yourself.
- New recipes bring in new task to achieve once to hit the target to get yourself some happy moments.
- It does help to keep you fit and healthy. Feed yourself with healthy and nourished meal
10. Early sleeping habit
According to health experts at least 8-10-hour sleep is essential for human body to recover itself. Less you sleep more you feel stressed and uncomfortable during the day. Your capability if doing work become less and you tend to get irritated with your surroundings and that eventually hurts your performance.
Let’s do it!
- Make a habit to go to bed early.
- Try to make short reading habit before you go to sleep
- Once you in your bedroom shutdown gadgets specially your cell phone and put it on charge.
- Try to get at least 8-hours of sleep
Lets wrap it up.
There are 10 most interesting routines to make your life better have been mentioned above. Starting with two routines at time to make changes gradually. Start with walking and reading. These are relatively easier to do. Listening music while traveling is good try it. But not while doing other tasks. Remember certain things and task are not necessary pleasing for you rather they are necessity, you must do it. Something like doing exercise and jogging this gives pain and hurt your body too but it is necessary to stay fit and healthy.